Brand design for a Dubai based company that helps finding the best location for phisical and spiritual welness.
The project has been built around the concept of Multiverse.
As individuals delve into meditation, they navigate the boundless expanse where the metaphysical and the tangible coalesce.
This convergence of separate realms opens a gateway to understanding the uncharted potential that lies within the human mind and its ability to bridge gaps between worlds. Within this tapestry of interconnectedness, the boundaries between self and cosmos blur, giving rise to a renewed sense of unity with the broader fabric of the multiverse. Through the practice of such introspection, we unravel the threads that weave our reality, discovering the harmonious symphony that resonates beneath the apparent discord of separate universes.
Iremia serves as a conduit, linking individuals and aiding them in the exploration of novel encounters and a fresh understanding of their inner self.
Branding / Logo Design